Friday, March 9, 2012

My version of a simple punched card

I loved Sally's card, and altered it slightly for my version.

Food porn

On her blog "the domestic mama & the village cook" Michelle introduced me to food porn... Pictures of food that make you drool. Her example was melted cheese. She also talked about an interesting threesome between waffles, pancakes, and donuts, but I digress.

I was visiting her blog to find a recipe for a sinful flour-less cake that she claimed was like what would happen if brownies and fudge had a baby. I immediately ran to my kitchen and started throwing ingredients into a mixing bowl. With a description like that, wouldn't you?

Anyway, what came out of the oven smelled great but looking at it did not give me a food-gasm. She sprinkled hers with powdered sugar, but I have to admit brownies or cake sprinkled with powdered sugar takes me right back to elementary school - also not food-gasm inducing.

So back to the food porn... If naked doesn't do it for you maybe getting dressed up in something scandalous will, so I covered that sinful chocolate fudgy-brownie-baby cake in the most risqué thing I could think of, and bingo - drool!

So here's my version with brown sugar, coconut, pecan frosting (like you put on German chocolate cake).

Frankenstein any day of the year

Made this card originally as a Halloween card, but found my SU! stamp that goes on the inside of the card that makes it ok for any day of the year!

Looks simple and clean, but...

I couldn't wait to make a set of these. I just loved how simple and clean they looked. What a time consuming project it turned out to be!


I really liked the look of this clean, simple birthday card. It was only after I had most of the pieces cut to make my version that I realized I don't have a flower punch similar to the one in the original card... In fact I don't have a flower single flower punch small enough to fit on the square that will also reach to the center of the square. I have a multi-flower punch but the flowers are grouped so closely together that I couldn't center a cut with that one either. I had to rethink. I like my version.