Before heading out I decided to check on the strawberries again. It's a lost cause. I don't know what I'm doing and the brown rabbit keeps eating all of them. I've stood at the top of the stairs and looked out the window and watched hem stripping the plant clean. Sometimes he will just take one or two bites out of a big beautiful berry and then leave it there for the ants to finish off - what a nice guy. He even eats the hard green berries that won't be ripe for days. I keep thinking about last year when the plant was in a planter on the porch - all those strawberries. I had so many I made jam, froze some, and just gave some away. Not this year. I'd almost stopped checking... almost. Then I found these two little lovelies, and I do mean little. The small one is smaller than a fingernail, so don't let the picture fool you. But I was able to pick two ripe strawberries, if nothing more than to just keep them away from that darn rabbit.

Tonight was "Girl's Night". Mom, Laura, Kara, Christina, and I (Holly and Becky had last minute changes in plans and couldn't join us) ended up at Golden Corral in Ft. Wayne. The food was so-so, the service was terrible, but the company was amazing - I wouldn't have changed a thing. We discovered we all felt the perfect vacation would be RVing across America (if someone else was going to foot the bill and we could do anything or go anywhere). I guess we're pretty down to extravagant vacation might be nice, but we all really like spending time with our families and doing more normal things.